Solutions that advance and delight our customers and their users
Our primary service is making life easier and more delightful for our clients and their users. We’ve been doing that for years and it’s why clients have stuck with us through Ruby on Rails’ infancy right through to the modern web.
As a small shop we keep our toolchain tightly focused on best-in-class tools that are both powerful and productive. Some technologies have compelling advantages in some scenarios so we are polyglots.
Sometimes a Wordpress site is all that you need and want. We do Wordpress development, and can design and build themes from scratch, or customize an existing theme for your project. Because of our over ten years of experience with best-in-class tech like Ruby on Rails, you get all of advanced knowledge of best practices in web development applied to your WordPress site.
React is a brilliant little javascript rendering library. We will often use it to add easily maintainable interactive behavior to server-rendered Rails and Elixir applications.
Elm is a language that compiles to highly performant javascript guaranteed to be free of runtime errors. We use Elm for interactivity in Rails and Elixir applications.
Vue is a view library that works beautifully with server-rendered pages. It can add very manageable interactive behavior to pages.
Elixir and Phoenix
Elixir is a highly performant functional programming server-side language that’s phenomenal for real-time applications. When real-time or throughput are key, we look to Elixir.
What’s next?
We keep our eyes open and our ears to the ground. For the moment we believe that the techologies we use are the best-in-class tools avaiable for ourselves and our clients.